Students’ Exchange Programme - Dept. Of Philosophy, HATIM & Lunglei Government College
01st April, 2023
The Students’ Exchange Programme between Higher and Technical Institute Mizoram and Lunglei Government College was successfully organized as a two-day program on the 30th and 31st of March, 2023 to provide a platform for students to experience, engage and learn more about philosophy.
On 30th March 2023, the students of LGC, accompanied by F. Lalremsanga, Assistant Professor met the Principal of HATIM shortly after arriving, followed by a quick photo session, after which the students attended normal classes following the scheduled class timing at the host institution. The students attended a lecture by each faculty from the host institution.
In total, there were seven students from LGC and two students from HATIM who participated on the first day of the program. Students were alert, attentive, and interactive in class.
On 31st March 2023, the first session, “Let’s talk about Career Opportunities” welcomed Chawngdingpuii Chawngthu, Advocate, as a resource person to enlighten us on law and philosophy, the importance, significance, and role of philosophy in the study of law. The second session opened a Q&A and Open House Discussion. Students showed deep interest and enthusiasm in these sessions which was evident from their active participation of students.
The second day of the program also included the second and fourth-semester philosophy core students from HATIM to attend the program. Five students, one faculty from LGC, and nine students and three faculties from HATIM participated on the second day of the program. Students were also given assignments, to watch and submit a write-up of their philosophical reflections on a movie titled “The Truman Show ” (1998).
We owe the success of the program to the cooperation of all the students and faculties involved.

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